It's nearing that time of year when alpaca, wool, cotton-blend, spun, and worsted become my daily vernacular. Though, living in Loma Linda, it's hard to justify that fall is commencing and cooler weather is just around the corner because today, it is 99 degrees. However, my Widget weather tells me it will be 73 degrees with a chance of rain this Saturday...
Cooler weather always makes me want to crochet. My friend Kasey, who has her ear stamped to the ground to the sounds of fashion and what's hot, tells me that crochet jewelry will be very "in" this winter...
So this year, I may be incorporating my two hobbies into one: crochet jewelry.
But first, here is a hat I crocheted for my classmate's daughter: Maddie!! She's just too cute to boot!! You can't see it in the pictures, but there's a pink round crocheted ball on the top... I call it my "cupcake beanie"