Last night we went to
Ruth's Chris in Pasadena to take advantage of their summer menu special for our ritual (and hopefully 'monthly') girls' night out. Afterward, the girls had a mini "Christmas" moment with my earrings at Susie's new apartment.
My beautiful and talented friends and me at our private table

Christine + June + Susie = tweed&loopers!

Thanks so much you guys!!
'twas so much fun! thanks for another pair of beautiful earrings! you're becoming quite the talented jewelry designer, sue!
sue!! thank you so much! your earrings are so beautiful!!! i LOVE LOVE them! anyway.. i had so much fun with you girls.. like always =)
aunty sue jean, do you still have some purple earrings? my mommy just got a nice purple outfit and wants to know if you can make her a cute little lavender earring. i know, she asks for a lot of things...
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