Wednesday, August 13, 2008

virgin tweeds

Here is a display of my very first collection.

I took these over to my sister Teri's house for her advice and criticism (which she loves to give freely ;P)

Most my inspiration comes from family and friends... the occasional vacation to exotic places (i.e. Belize, Brazil, Mexico, Minnesota ~ that's pretty exotic for this urban girl!)... and retail stores I adore (particularly Anthropologie and small boutique stores like DenM!).

I mostly make one of a kind earrings, but upon personal requests, I will do the dubious task of duplicating my work.

My style changes from time to time... Lately, I am really into turquoise, pearls, and rich colors (purples, greens, and oranges).

I realized this was something worth pursuing when I came home from my sis' house with 4 less pairs.

Something is in the works right now with a fellow friend about to get hitched, but I am not at liberty to post my work until the day of her wedding!

Keep posted for more on t&l

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